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install robotic lawnmower
Install robotic lawnmower
A robotic mower is of course a wonderful helper for you. It must of course be placed with the correct actions to ensure that the robotic lawnmower runs smoothly. Here are the steps you need to take to do the installation properly. If you would like some advice about the robotic lawnmower first, see Advice Robot mowers
Step 1: Keep this in mind!
The lawn must be level
- Make sure that the robot does not come onto an area that is larger than it is suitable for.
- The surface must be at least 1.35 meters wide.
- Make sure there are no metal objects in the lawn or other objects.
- Make sure there is coverage in the garden before using the app.
Also make sure that there is a power connection at a maximum of 5 meters from the lawn and that you have a smartphone tablet that can download the App.
Don't have a robot lawn mower yet, but do you want one? Here some help on 'how do I choose my robotic lawnmower!'
Step 2: Preparation
Make sure you have a sketch or good have a picture of your garden and see where you can get the best power.
- See where the charging station can be placed. It must be close to the power outlet.
- Make sure you have an area that is suitable for the robotic lawnmower.
- Remove loose objects in your lawn. Think of branches or other loose objects.
- Make the lawn low once, so that the robot can easily continue to do its job and keep the grass at a good length.
Step 3: Place the charging station
It is important to keep it close to to install an electrical outlet.
- Place it on a good surface without height differences.
- Try putting it in a cooler place. Consider, for example, the shade, so that it does not stay in the sun for too long and the battery does not get hot as quickly.
- Make sure there is enough space around the charging station so that he can drive in and out of it properly. Look in the manual for more specific information on this.
- Finally, place the boundary cable in the charging station of the robot, as shown in the manual.
Step 4: Laying the boundary wire
Please note that laying the boundary wire is very important. This determines where your mower mows.
- You can fix the boundary wire above ground with Boundary cable pins, but you can also bury it to a maximum depth of 5cm.
- Keep distances from ponds or other obstacles in front of the robotic lawnmower, so that it does not get too close to them. In the manual you can see more about the exact distances.
Step 5: Connect the charging station to the power
Insert the power cable at the charging station. Turn on the robotic lawnmower and slide it into the charging station to charge it.
Step 6: The robotic lawnmower screen settings
After you have installed everything, you can further set up the robotic lawnmower. For example, you can adjust the language and set a code, because you need this code to use your robotic lawnmower. Then click on the tick so you can see more and the robotic lawnmower can map the garden. Check whether the robotic lawnmower is running properly and, just to be on the safe side, walk along to see whether the boundary wire has been laid correctly. The robotic lawnmower will not mow the first time, so you can do a check first. If you want to know how a robotic lawnmower works, see here!
It is possible that excluded objects are only fully mapped after 3 mowings. In addition, also adjust the cutting height to what you want. We can advise you to start with a higher setting and then lower and lower.